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Official Role-Playing Tournament

The Champion's Tournament


Contest Closed


Here in Elftown there have been drawing contests, photography contests, colouring contests, prose contests, poetry contests, clothes-designing contests... contests that cater for the interests of this community.

Except one. In a community teeming with Role-players, where is the contest to decide the best? I have seen many people claim to be excellent role-players, only the be disappointed when I saw their skill. I've seen god players, power players and hundreds of Mary Sues. But I have also seen skill, talent, interesting characters and strong role-playing. Now it's time to put that skill and talent to the test.  

The Champion's Tournament is a tournament to decide the best Role-player on Elftown. Dare you compete?


* Contestants * CT Rules * CT Judges *


Note: Reading the rules would be a wise idea.

The Champion's Tournament will be played in groups rounds, with each player who scores over a certain amount of points continuing to the following round.

The winners will be decided by judges who will follow a set criteria for awarding points. The judge(s) of your particular match will remain anonymous.

Points will be awarded for the originality of your character, as well as role-play skills. You may submit up to three characters to use throughout the tournament.

The winner will receive the colored badge and the participants will receive the green version of it. The badge itself is still a surprise.



We are looking for the best role-player not the strongest character! This isn’t a fighting tournament, where whoever kills the other’s character is the winner – it’s a role-play tournament – the winner will be the best role-player; and as all good role-players know, that doesn’t necessarily mean the one with the strongest character.

And since it's a fair assumption that most people here are into role-playing, why don't you check out Text Adventures? If you've got an RP of your own, and you want members, add it!


Moderated by [iippo] & [windowframe]

Username (or number or email):


2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: Joseph didn't do anything.

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: but thats in the saying...Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!...I have heard numerous old people recite

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yes well I'm not thanking a saying. OH MY GOD! You're like this evil little argument starting THING aren't you?!

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: Hahah!!, this is funny...I think I have released a new power of my god of ranting abilities...never before discovered...not only can I go on and on about things forever, but I can make other people as well!! Muahahaha!!! lols...

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: It's not a good thing. And that lols. That's bugging me. What does the S stand for?

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: doesnt it though^_^

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: Hahaha!! well maybe thats you then, perhaps?...the S is simply making it plural...making it either laugh out louds...or I prefer to think of it as more than one laugh out it implies that I have Lol-ed more than Lol is just used to much around I made mine plural...=^_^=

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: That's dumb. No offense.

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: wow my computer is slow tonight O.o

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: i know alot of people who do that or lawl now adays

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: I dont really care,...saying lol is too boring for me, and thats okay, I am glad you think it's dumb, I dont want you or anyone else doing it as would make me sad, and then I would have to change it again so that I don't feel like I am repeating what everyone has just said everywhere...

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: Way to pick your battles, there, Fizban.

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: Well I havent found a single other person...and eww, Lawl? Thats not even anything...just some stupid thing that sounds like lol...heh, loyls...I havent found anyone else who uses Lols, and frankly I hope I dont...

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: I've seen a bunch of people use lols. I hate it. It bugs me. The s stands for nothing. If it was plural it would go on the end of loud or whatever anyway and wouldn't show up in the abbreviation. Nyar! *twitchy*

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: acually say Lol out loud and apparently thats what its suposta sound like(dont ask me i dont use it O.o)

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: Battles? there a duel going on and nobody told me? :P

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: ::creates a boxing ring:: well you two have been goin at it for awhile now >>

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: oooh...can I have the red gloves?

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: It's a metaphor.

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: wow!!!!!!!!! omg!! really!! I had no idea!!! Are you sure? I mean, I have never seen such an appalling thing said!!...Awww! but darn, I really wanted them red gloves!! :(

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: sure you can::gives fizban the red gloves::

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: :/ you seem to take things a bit too literally [Jeesum Crowe] lighten up we are all here to have fun

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: Omg!! O.O'!!...lols, you are the first person who has ever,...not! said that to me lol...people always take me too seriously...I am joking and they think I am actually as serious as I am pretending to be,...:(, makes me quite sad...that I have to make it that obvious sometimes that I am not being serious...but thats because I am really loud, and I guess I have this serious look on my face...or something >_<,!

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: [Azuri], don't assume I'm not having fun.

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: well you kinda put off a sarcastic tone(least to me, but perhaps thats because im highly sarcastic myself) though i see why she gets deffensive(i believe [Jeesum Crowe] is female i duno i got lost back in the big argument XD)but we should all just have fun forget any hard feelings and/or grudges being started >> and have fun keep the peace and eat our goldfish crackers::hands them out to all::

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: i dont asume^_^ it just seems as if your getting defensive and im just trying prevent another arguement^_^ sorry if i bugged ya>>

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: I meant everything I've said exactly as I said it. There was no sarcasm anywhere. And I wasn't being defensive. I wasn't even defending anything... Well now I am but. That's for obvious reasons.

2006-04-28 [Nebka]: Hmm... another problem with noverbal comminication, I think (looks away for a moment pondering)

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: (THIS IS VERBAL, GODDAMNIT!)

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: ::waves it away:: sorry *is airhead sometimes*

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: *sits in her victorianesque chair and eats chocolates*

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: ::does the happy dance for chocolate:: is yummy

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: *gives chocolate*

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: yay!!::eats chocolate and give candies back::

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: lols!!...this has turned happy.

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: is good thing ^_^

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: Darn...*emits a childish sigh, and takes off the boxing gloves*

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: no no ill box with ya!!::puts on the blue ones and hops into the ring::

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: Yay ^_^...Jumps up, and swishes his gloves on while getting into the ring*...hey, does anyone know the rules to boxing?

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: not a clue at all i think theres something about not hitting people in the head XD causes brain damage and the what not

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: No...lols!! thats a big one...cant knock someone out if you hit there shoulder lol

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: oh hehehe supose so XD hmm

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: You can't hit below the belt or the back of the head.

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: i knew there was something about the head ^_^

2006-04-28 [Anomynous]: All right, y'all know the rules now. I want a good, clean fight! Llllet's get rrrready to rrrum... *collapses coughing* Oh, just swing them fist already! *cough,cough,cough*

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: Are you ok??::gives some cough drops::

2006-04-28 [Paul Doyle]: Gollum, the ring's over there ----->

2006-04-28 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: WHERE?????? *dash*

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: *ish confused* GANDALF!!!! *enter dramatic scream hear*

2006-04-28 [Anomynous]: *takes the pills* ... *continues with hoarse voice, more to himself yet loud enough for everybody in the room to hear* Painkillers... it's what keeps me goin'. It helps stop the thunderstorm that's been ravaging through my head, without 'em... I'd probably go insane *loads a clip in his beretta* (now, can anyone guess which role I was playing?)

2006-04-28 [NamelessMerc]: Sounds like Rambo

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: if it is i wouldnt know i dislike rambo >>

2006-04-28 [NamelessMerc]: Dunno if it is, but it's definitely what a Vietnam vet with too many loose screws would say.

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: hehe someone should give him a screwdriver if hes screws ar eloose XD

2006-04-28 [NamelessMerc]: ... -.-;

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: Painkillers? What the fuck would they do for a mental problem?

2006-04-28 [Delladreing]: Eh, I s'pose they can keep you drowsy and sedated. Mine used to.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: So they make you retarded?

2006-04-28 [Delladreing]: Drowsy and sedated are not the same as retarded, unless of course you mean the word retarded in its purest form which means "to be held back" or "to be slowed down". But I suppose excessive use could, just like any other drug, along with the killing off ones liver.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: It's called a joke.

2006-04-28 [Delladreing]: I don't ever really find it funny to overly use the word "retard" but then again, I've just spent the past hour with my brother who is in a wheel chair who was telling me about the little bastards in his high school that called him a retard today because his legs don't work but his IQ is higher than practically everyone else's in his year. So you will excuse me for not being able to see the funny side to that joke right now.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: You should learn not to take things personally.

2006-04-28 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: and you should learn not to use offensive language.

2006-04-28 [Delladreing]: *smiles* Its rather hard at times, but I'll bear that in mind for the next time someone does things like that to him. I know you didn't mean anything by it, but it got said at the wrong time, that word I did not need to see just now. But yea sure, apologies for taking something like that personal.

2006-04-29 [Jeesum Crowe]: Everyone uses offensive language. I live in a place where 'gay' is used as an insult every other minute. My father is gay. I live with it. I know not to take it personally. And I'm sorry about your brother being made fun of, Deladreing.

2006-04-29 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: still no excuse... I hear it all the time, still don't say it. Cause it's offensive, and some people do take it seriously. =/ but, meh.

2006-04-29 [Jeesum Crowe]: I wasn't excusing myself. I was just saying it's not going to stop.

2006-04-29 [Fizban]: So it's fine to get used to it? it's fine to pursecute people who, by association with all those around them employ the words? Also no...and look, now each one of you has learned something about the other, because of offensive language. A strange twist,...yay lol. I use retarded all the time, but thats because I dont apply the word to people with a mental difficiency, because I don't feel the word suits them, only idiots. However, as moderation and courtesy dictates, I respond by not using the un-abliged language in company that is not partial to it. Now we have learned a little about the people around us, and to be sensative,...Jessumcrowe will probably end up being nicer and

2006-04-29 [Fizban]: more considerate of using that word, and deladreing will probably like she said, take into consideration what was said, and try to take the implied meanings and intent behind words, not simply the words as a whole. Yay for all, problems solved :)...

2006-04-29 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yeah, I won't use that word again around D but I'm not going to take back saying it in the first place.

2006-04-29 [Azuri]: Everyone has to learn what makes other uncomferatble its not like your going to automaticly know after all some people are find with useing words like gay and retarded as a insult and some like myself and many others out there find it utterly insulting when used that way

2006-04-29 [Jeesum Crowe]: Exactly.

2006-04-29 [NamelessMerc]: o.0; Do you people ever actually discuss anything relevant to the tourney? XD

2006-04-29 [Azuri]: not anymore we dont, what left is there to discuss other than when we think they will be done judging and taken from past experince that just bugs the heck outa the judges so :-P

2006-04-29 [NamelessMerc]: Point taken, but jeez, you guys took up nearly a full page of comments complaining at each other about peoples' use of language. It was two one-on-one conversations, with barely any crossover. Surely you could have used ElfTown's messaging?

2006-04-29 [Azuri]: thats just a pain to carry over a conversation (that i barely said anything btw) over to messages when you could just do it here and keep the wiki active

2006-04-29 [NamelessMerc]: I'm not blaming you :-p It's just annoying to be tracking this page and keep being brought back here for comments that aren't made by the judges, or aren't relevant to the page's purpose. How much are the rest of the 59 page-watchers likely to be interested in whether one person takes offence to the word "retard"? This page is here for announcements about the tournament rules.

2006-04-29 [Azuri]: meh it happens, after all technically you started a "petty" conversation too, you know over the fact that someone else had a "petty" conversation? but thats beside the point i supose

2006-04-29 [deus-ex-machina]: If I recall, [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*] is a homophobe anyway so don't listen to it =D. And since when was society anything other than apathetic?

2006-04-29 [Fizban]: Society=A group of humans broadly distinguished from other groups by mutual interests, participation in characteristic relationships, shared institutions, and a common culture.--currently <-----that thing over there is big on gay sensitivity and political correctness. However the people in it, are indeed apathetic. So I don't know how the majority of people ended up in such a juxtapositioning of certain values held by the current expectations of "society" as a whole...but they have lols.

2006-04-29 [deus-ex-machina]: Society - The institutions and culture of a distinct self-perpetuating group. Humans as a group opposed to... badgers. =D Yah, bad choice of word with 'society' I know, but you must get the gist. Bugger political correctness, I just think if people have to live under the law, there should be no contradictions. Anyway... to make this somehow relevant to the tournament... I said all this whilst leaning casually against a pregnant donkey with a beer in one hand and a pigeons scrotum in the other. I speak meaningfully, but whimsically. I also stand on my head, with my feet in the air... and on my feet, with my head in the air. The donkeys name is 'Horse'.

2006-04-29 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: whoawhoaWHOA. since WHEN am I a homophobe??? 0_0 talk to any of my friends. They say a big, fat, NO!!! And look at my house. *posts NaruSasu drawing* What sorta homophobe would draw two guys kissing, huh?!

2006-04-29 [deus-ex-machina]: =O - that wasn't there before!!

2006-04-29 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: yeah, well, I switch out drawings sometimes! Sheesh! Ya want me to fill you with plenty of reasons why I'm a yaoi fangirl and not a homophobe? I gotta nice big bagful right here. Manga titles I own, RPs I'm in, etc, etc.

2006-04-29 [Fizban]: and now through insults we see that Corinthian Eagle is...very far from a homophobe lol. Yay for insults!! :)...

2006-04-29 [deus-ex-machina]: Pfft. If she isn't a gay... she isn't a pro-gay type! *breeds new hard line definition for homophilia* My sense of humour is too lame sometimes. Although, I do put Jeesum's humour into a new... lighter... light.

2006-04-29 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: wait...what?? I'm a fangirl, and I figure it doesn't matter if I'm straight or bi, as I have a boyfriend right now. I'll get to thinking about that if we ever break up *hope not*

2006-04-29 [deus-ex-machina]: Joking.

2006-04-29 [Fizban]: loyls...nena 6 luftballoons!

2006-04-29 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: nena????

2006-04-29 [iippo]: that means 'nose' in Finnish o.O

2006-04-29 [Fizban]:'s a pop 80's song...99 (then she says something that sounds like six but probably isnt ;) luftballoons!, you have heard the song. You just didnt rexognize it. Also the singer is a german.

2006-04-29 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: right. I remember it now. 99 red balloons.

2006-04-29 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: And I think the word she says is "siecht" o.o -.- o.o if that means anything.

2006-04-29 [Paul Doyle]: I was a kid in the 1980s, and there was this stupid parody: "99 Dead Baboons/Sitting in my living room/Hairy, scary, super-scary/Which one do you wanna marry?" And so forth. :P

2006-04-29 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: XD amusing! I was a kid once..... >.> ...oh wait...

2006-04-29 [Jeesum Crowe]: There's an English version and a German version of that song... (99 Red Balloons)

2006-04-30 [Paul Doyle]: Yes, the German version was on the B-side of the 45 RPM album single. Around the same time, West German singer Peter Schilling also did the same with "Major Tom" (not to be confused with David Bowie's much more classic "Space Oddity") Again, this was in the early 1980s, when you could still buy LP records, there was a West Germany and an East Germany, and the IBM 5150 PC was generally looked upon with awe, and cost about US$2000 to own.

2006-04-30 [Azuri]: dontcha just miss those days?? ::thinks about hackers and laughs:: if only they knew heh

2006-04-30 [Fizban]: poor hackers, had little to work with back then ;)

2006-04-30 [Azuri]: "28.5bps modem!""Its blowing my mine!""Its never getting any faster!" or something like that >>

2006-05-01 [Blood Raven]: not to mention their phone bills skyrocketing due to those slow speeds :P

2006-05-01 [iippo]: Hmm, Major Tom that's not Bowie's? Do I smell a lawsuit in the air? Heh, this English version/German version makes me think of that song by Plastic Bertrand "Ca Plane Pour Moi" of which someone did an English version "Jet Boy Jet Girl", and I still haven't decided which one I prefer.

2006-05-01 [Jeesum Crowe]: Everyone translates everything because they suck. *hugs Space Oddity*

2006-05-16 [Elisha Kelly]: *is still waiting patiently*

2006-05-16 [Paul Doyle]: So when's the next installment of the wiki-comment drama going to happen? *pops a gigantic batch of popcorn*

2006-05-16 [NightHawk]: ... so is this contest ever gonna get moving again?

2006-05-16 [Jeesum Crowe]: No. Shush.

2006-05-16 [NamelessMerc]: It is. It will. They have other commitments. Thank-you for your call. *Click*

2006-05-16 [Fizban]: Lols...other commitments...but, oh darn, and here all this time I thought they were robots programmed to serve ET...Darn, I guess they are actually humans who have lives,...oh well. What a shame.

2006-05-16 [NamelessMerc]: ... That was a not-so-subtle hint. Shush about the tournament. They're doing their best. It doesn't help them to have to check this page as well.

2006-05-16 [Fizban]: what are you talking about, lols...that wasn't a hint, that was chastizing those that rush them lol. Because obviously they do have lives, dont have time to review over 100 char pages or if they did they would.

2006-05-16 [Aradon Templar]: ^^ We're working on it, honest! *ish almost done* I dunno about the other judges, though- haven't checked out theirs recently.

2006-05-16 [Duredhel]: My partner and I have been done for a while, and I've seen good advances in the other judges's work. Though some judges might not agree with it, I'd like to apologize to the players for how long it tasking :), it is a lot of work, but we could've done it faster. Just that we judges also have stuff other than the tournament to take care of, hope you will understand :)

2006-05-16 [iippo]: All of the judges are doing their best. This has been stated many times over in this very page. Feel free to read the comment history before commenting on an issue that has been adressed before.

2006-05-16 [Fizban]: See...everything is wonderful. Thank you for the feed back judges, I am sure it's appreciated by all :).

2006-05-16 [Aradon Templar]: XD Comments here remind me of the situation with Terragen 2. It's long overdue, according to some earlier statements by its producers, and every once in a while the mailing list gets some messages like, "dude! I hate you all, gimme my terragen2!" Whilst everyone else groans and says, "Be patient" :P Then, once in a while we get some feedback from the producers, and everyone goes "yay!" *rambleths*

2006-05-16 [windowframe]: ^^ Yeah, you could have made a reality TV show out of the lives of the judges whilst we've been trying to judge, it's been that hectic. :P But we're getting there. 

2006-05-16 [Fizban]: Yippe's :)...and thank you for your labor :)

2006-05-16 [Delladreing]: Mine would have been taken off air and deemed unfit to view by countries that allow reality tv in prisons due to excess violence and raping of annoying bitches with barbed wire. That should give you an idea of how hectic its been :P

2006-05-16 [Aradon Templar]: Mine would have been... >.> responsible for the firing of me as a lackadasical, procrastinating judge, probably :P

2006-05-16 [Delladreing]: fair :P

2006-05-16 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yeah. And I'm sure some of the contestants have been equally busy (i.e. me,) and appreciate the fact that busy can be hard. Sometimes. *appreciates*

2006-05-16 [Delladreing]: Huzzah, you shall survive the mindless rampage of slaughter :)

2006-05-16 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yay!

2006-05-16 [Delladreing]: Which is iminently pending ^^ aah i need to get off the computer and do work

2006-05-17 [Kai Crewger]: yay!

2006-05-17 [Tainted Guardian]: What the tourny has started? O.o I've been out of the loop for a while.

2006-05-17 [Jeesum Crowe]: No. Shush!

2006-05-17 [Delladreing]: *TWItch*

2006-05-17 [Jeesum Crowe]: SHUSH!

2006-05-17 [Fizban]: *silently walks past JeesumCrowe*

2006-05-17 [Jeesum Crowe]: *has power!*

2006-05-17 [Fizban]: Hahaha!,...loyls

2006-05-17 [Jeesum Crowe]: SHUSH!

2006-05-17 [Kai Crewger]: *silent laughter*

2006-05-17 [Nebka]: Why are we being quiet?

2006-05-17 [Kai Crewger]: because Jeesum says so

2006-05-17 [Jeesum Crowe]: SHUSH!

2006-05-17 [Nebka]: SHSPLF!!

2006-05-18 [Jeesum Crowe]: SHUSH!

2006-05-18 [Nebka]: SHhhhhhh....

2006-05-18 [Azuri]: *supresses urge to yell something*

2006-05-18 [Jeesum Crowe]: *sits... silently*

2006-05-18 [Nebka]: SHhhhhhhh...... *wispering* Stop making text noises!

2006-05-18 [Azuri]: *gasps and whispers* our texts make noises!?

2006-05-18 [Nebka]: *Still wispering* Yes, now stop making me make noise!

2006-05-18 [Jeesum Crowe]: SHUSH! SHUSH SHUSH SHUSH!

2006-05-23 [NightHawk]: O.o well, sorry about my earlier message. I just hadn't logged in in ages, and I hadn't heard anything at all, so I thought I micht ask.  Sorry if it sounded like a push.

2006-05-23 [Jeesum Crowe]: It's ok. Now shush! </rhymage>

2006-05-30 [Elisha Kelly]: *runs through squealing* EEEk the gremlins is coming the gremlins is coming... EEEEEK!

2006-05-30 [Kéioko Matsukaze]: *wonders when the judging will be over*

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: WHAT PART OF SHUSH DO YOU PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTAND?! Stop wondering! It's bad karma! *whacks*

2006-05-30 [Kéioko Matsukaze]: *winces* Okay okay, I'll stop! .-_-.

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: SHUSH!

2006-05-30 [Elisha Kelly]: *Is silently eaten by a pack of marauding gremlins*

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: ...

2006-05-30 [Kyromanic]: *pokes everyone*

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: SHUSH.

2006-05-30 [Elisha Kelly]: errrr....

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: Shhh!

2006-05-30 [Elisha Kelly]: o.OOOOO

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: ...?

2006-05-30 [Kyromanic]: *beams*

2006-05-30 [Faulty Limerence]: Yes it is quite fun.

2006-05-30 [Kyromanic]: not at all

2006-05-30 [Faulty Limerence]: Hahah not when you've been reading it as long as me.

2006-05-30 [Faulty Limerence]: Hahah. Quiet indignation is a valuable tool.

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: Shut up.

2006-05-30 [Faulty Limerence]: Aye?

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: SHUSH.

2006-05-30 [Faulty Limerence]: ...Kai why is he telling me to be quiet?

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: First off, I'm a she, you inconsiderate piece of... And second off this place is not for speaking. It is for WAITING. And we are WAITING in SILENCE. So SHUSH.

2006-05-30 [windowframe]: Listen to the Jeesum. She speaks truth.

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: SHUSH.

2006-05-30 [Kai Crewger]: hah. you'll have to excuse Jeesum and her friends. They're about as outspoken as you are. even, dare I say it, more outspoken.

2006-05-30 [Faulty Limerence]: What the hell is wrong with you people. It's a comment box. It's MADE for talking...

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: (We are more outspoken.) *hugs Kai* Now shush!

2006-05-30 [Faulty Limerence]: Kai you know no one is more outspoken than me.

2006-05-30 [Faulty Limerence]: And I protest this silence! NOISE!

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: This is a comment box. It is made for idiots to ask "When is this going to start?" so the rest of us can pounce on them and tear their flesh apart. Otherwise, we are SHUSHED. NOW WILL YOU PLEASE SHUSH?!

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: *shushes and glares at the idiot Tomato to see if they will continue to be an idiot.*

2006-05-30 [Delladreing]: ooooook then theres a corner over that way, and a corner over the other side, head off in those directions and shoosh.

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: ....

2006-05-30 [Aradon Templar]: Tomato, using foul language isn't likely to resolve any problems, especially not with someone who appears as determined as Jeesum.

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: Shhh!

2006-05-30 [Kai Crewger]: *sighs*

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: *hugs Kai*

2006-05-30 [Delladreing]: *growls* I'm going to steal [windowframe]'s gun soon. BEHAVE.

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: *is behaving.*

2006-05-30 [Delladreing]: Good Jeesum

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: *smile* Shush, please. *hugs Deladreing*

2006-05-30 [Faulty Limerence]: Kai...

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: Shush.

2006-05-30 [Delladreing]: I get to talk, I'm a judge :P *hugs Jeesum* but ya, shhhh

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: Oh yeah you are.... Sorry *hugs* *shushes*

2006-05-30 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: don't make me turn *Ebil Kitty* on you guys... and yer being told to shush so you don't break the judges' concentration when they're trying to judge. OK?

2006-05-30 [Faulty Limerence]: Thank you for at least giving me a reason.

2006-05-30 [Jeesum Crowe]: SHUSH!

2006-05-30 [windowframe]: *randomly deletes things*

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